Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shugo Chara! Main Characters

Main characters


( Amu Hinamori )

Amu Hinamori (日奈森 あむ Hinamori Amu?), the series' protagonist, is a student of Seiyo Elementary. Amu's classmates see her as "cool and spicy", but Amu's true character is shy and timid. Part of the reason for this misunderstanding is the trendy punk goth clothing her mother buys for her as well as the way she expresses her shyness. However, when Amu wishes for the courage to become her would-be self, three colorful eggs appear. When they hatch, they reveal Amu's Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su.

Amu becomes a member of the Guardians, the school's student council, and discovers that each member has a Guardian Character. Amu's position with the Guardians is the Joker. Her task as the Joker is to search for and purify X Eggs and X Characters (also, in the second season, she purifies Mystery Eggs, the corrupted forms of people's would-be selves). Ran, Miki, and Su help Amu with her task through a process called Character Transformation, which is enabled by the Humpty Lock and grants Amu special abilities depending on the Guardian Character. Later on, Amu also creates a fourth egg, known as Diamond. In the second season, when Amu shows her true potential, the Humpty Lock increases in power. Thus, new transformation scenes are used.

Amu's two main love interests are Tadase Hotori and Ikuto Tsukiyomi. Amu's primary rival is Utau Hoshina, an idol singer for Easter who is jealous that Ikuto shows an interest in Amu instead of her.

Amu gains the Dumpty Key from Yoru and uses it to unlock the Humpty Lock. In some of the later chapters, when Amu opens the Humpty Lock with the Dumpty Key, she and Tadase see more of Ikuto's past. Their journey ends when Amu Character Transforms with Diamond, and she and Ikuto fight briefly. Ran, Miki, Su, and Diamond all combine their powers, making Amu Character Transform into Amulet Fortune and Ikuto Character Transforms into Seven Seas Treasure.

In the latest chapters, after defeating Gozen and saving Ikuto, Amu's feelings for Ikuto are shown more clearly. When he reveals he is leaving, Amu begins crying and runs away showing she does indeed feel strongly about him. At the airport, before he leaves, she runs after him, to which Ikuto responds with kissing her on the cheek - very close to the lips - and confessing his love. Amu remains stubborn and does not openly return his feelings. However, Ikuto promises her he'll make her fall for him, as she promises she will find her true self.

Amu ventures to the Eggs' Cradle, a place where unborn and "lost" Shugo Chara reside, in order to search for four coloured shards representing each of her Shugo Chara in an attempt to bring Ran, Miki and Su back. In chapter 44, Diamond tells Amu that Ran, Miki and Su have "disappeared" and that she will help Amu find them as her "navigator". Diamond becomes Amu's guide in the Eggs' Cradle in Amu's search for the four coloured shards. With her help, Amu realizes that she loves Ikuto as she managed to "go through" her heart while she only likes Tadase for his "outer" character. She finally comes to terms with the loss of her Guardian Characters at the end of the journey, however as she returns she realizes that she has Ran, Miki, Suu and Diamond back in Egg form much to her relief and later joy as they born gain later in Shugo Chara Encore. In the anime television series, Amu is voiced by Kanae Itō. She is portrayed by Yuuka Maeda in the musical.

Ran (ラン?)

Ran is the first to hatch from Amu's eggs and represents Amu's desire to be more honest, confident and athletic. Ran is frequently cheering Amu on. During Character Change, Amu gains, thus, and increased her athletic abilities. During Character Transformation, Amu becomes Amulet Heart, with a cheerleader inspired outfit. In chapter 38, Ran undergoes a new Character Transformation, along with Miki, Su, and Diamond; becoming Amulet Fortune. In chapter 44, she disappears along with Miki and Su, and later Diamond as well when Amu no longer needs them. In Shugo Chara Encore at the very end of the last chapter she and Amu's other Shugo Chara emerge hatch again at Sanjou and Nikaidou's wedding mich to Amu's joy. In the anime television series, Ran is voiced by Kana Asumi.

Miki (ミキ?)
The second Guardian Character to hatch is Miki. Miki represents Amu's desire to be more sharp, level headed, and artistic. Miki is also the one to help Amu make fashion choices. Reflecting Amu's love interests, Miki has shown an interest in Tadase's Guardian Character, Kiseki, Ikuto's Guardian Character, Yoru, Kukai's Guardian Character, Daichi, and Nagihiko's Guardian Character, Rhythm. During Character Change, Amu gains increased artistic abilities. During Character Transformation, Amu becomes Amulet Spade. In chapter 38, Miki undergoes a new Character Transformation, along with Ran, Su, and Diamond; becoming Amulet Fortune. In Shugo Chara! Doki, Miki is the only one out of Amu's Guardian Characters to be able to sense Mystery Eggs clearly. In chapter 44, she disappears along with Ran and Su, and later Diamond as well when Amu no longer needs them. In Shugo Chara Encore she returns along with the others and together catch the wedding bourquet for Amu who accidentally threw it back in the air again. In the anime television series, Miki is voiced by Nanae Katō.

Su (スゥ ?)
The third Guardian Character, Su, represents Amu's desire to be more caring, sensitive and improve her domestic skills. However, Su is prone to silly mistakes. She is very fond of Amu's teacher, Yuu Nikaidou. Amu gains an improvement in cooking and sewing skills during Character Change, as well as becoming "too girly". During Character Transformation, Amu becomes Amulet Clover. In chapter 38, Su undergoes a new Character Transformation with Ran, Miki, and Diamond; becoming Amulet Fortune. In chapter 44, she disappears along with Miki and Ran, and later Diamond as well when Amu no longer needs them. She and the others make an unexpected return toward the end of the last chapter of Shugo Chara Encore as they appear to be reborn again from Amu's feelings. In the anime television series, Su is voiced by Aki Toyosaki.

Diamond (ダイヤ Daiya?)
Diamond is Amu's fourth Guardian Character. Diamond represents Amu's desire to shine and be noticed in front of other people. Unlike most Guardian Characters, she is supposedly the most powerful. She becomes an X Egg when Amu dislikes all the changes that were happening in the spring. While collecting X Eggs with Yukari, Utau finds Diamond's egg inside the box. She soon hatches into a X Character. Unusually, she is not shaped like the usual X Character; she looks like a normal Guardian Character, but with a white X-shaped clip covering her black diamond-shaped clip. Because of this, Amu doesn't know Diamond's true name. In the Japanese versions, Diamond's name is shortened to Dia. X-Diamond can Character Transform with Utau, becoming Dark Jewel, however, the transformation does not last very long. When Amu is finally able to prove to Diamond that she does have enough confidence to shine she reverts into her true original form. Together they undergo a Character Transformation, becoming Amulet Diamond. Afterward, Diamond returns to her egg until she sees that Amu "shines again", but secretly comes out as a spirit at times. Diamond is shown to be an air-headed character. In chapter 38, Diamond comes back when Amu "shines". After character transforming and fighting with Ikuto, she, Ran, Miki, and Su combine powers with Amu; becoming Amulet Fortune. In chapter 44, Diamond tells Amu that Ran, Miki and Su have "disappeared" and that she will help Amu find them as her "navigator". Diamond becomes Amu's guide in the Eggs' Cradle in Amu's search for the four colored shards. With her help, Amu realizes that she loves Ikuto as she managed to "go through" her heart while she only likes Tadase for his "outer" character. Coming to terms with herself and the future, Amu accepts the loss of her Guardian Characters and Diamond disappears as well, guaranteeing that the four of them will always be watching over her. In Shugo Chara Encore Diamond and the other three have hatched again and save Amu's catching of the thrown bourquet. In the anime television series, Diamond is voiced by Kanae Itō.

( Ikuto Tsukiyomi )

Ikuto Tsukiyomi (月詠 イクト Tsukiyomi Ikuto?) is a teenage boy in high school contracted by Easter to find the Embryo. He often helps Amu even though he works for Easter. Ikuto actually despises Easter and tries to wrench himself free from them by trying to find the Embryo to grant that wish. He possesses the Dumpty Key which pairs with Amu's Humpty Lock which at first did not fit in the keyhole. Like his father, Ikuto is a skilled violinist. He is the current owner of the Dumpty Key, which originally belonged to Aruto, his father, although Tadase's father had it for a little while. His mother, upon marrying someone else after they found her husband's violin in a foreign country and believing that he would not come back, bound her children into working for Easter. Ikuto's personality is aloof, stoic, and a little naughty. He likes teasing people, especially Amu and Tadase. He is also the older brother of Utau Hoshina. As the series goes on, he grows very strong feelings for Amu — he confessed that he loves her in the same chapter Tadase did, although she believes that he is teasing her. He later surrendered himself to Easter, not wanting to get anyone else involved in the mess he made. In the manga timeline, it is shown he Character Transformed with a new black Guardian Egg to become Death Rebel, shocking Amu. In chapter 37, Tsukasa told Ikuto he resembles his father when he yells. In chapter 38, he Character Transforms with Yoru and the black egg into Seven Seas Treasure. In chapter 39, it's said that Ikuto may have two eggs, one is possibly still inside him. In one of the later chapters, Ikuto calls Amu 'princess' and she replies by asking him to thank her for making him get back to normal. Ikuto swears that this time he will be the one to protect her. In chapter 43, Ikuto confesses to Amu he will never see her again as he is going to search for his father. It is shown later in the chapter that Ikuto confesses his love to Amu at the airport when she comes to see him off, he kisses her close to the lips, and made a bet with her that she will definitely fall for him. In the final chapter of Shugo Chara Encore!!, Ikuto returns for Yukari Sanjo and Yuu Nikaidou's wedding. He promises that he would show Amu sides of him that she has not seen, but only when he returns for her when she is older. Ikuto and Tadase both state that they will not stop trying to win Amu's love. He apparently does not leave Japan after all as a figure who is most likely his father is holding hands with Ikuto's mother as Nikaidou and Sanjou's wedding.In the anime television series, Ikuto is voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura. He is portrayed by KENN in the musical.

Yoru (ヨル?)
Yoru is Ikuto's cat-like Guardian Character and represents Ikuto's desire to be free. Yoru often goes out by himself and enjoys causing trouble for the Guardians and their Guardian Characters for fun. When Ikuto and Yoru undergo a Character Transformation, they become Black Lynx. Yoru is hysterical when Ikuto does the Death Rebel Character Transformation in chapter 31. Lately, he also can't track Ikuto, because the hypnotizing fork confuses him. Later on, when Amu and Tadase find Ikuto being controlled by Easter, Yoru takes the Dumpty Key and gives it to Amu. In chapter 38, he along with the black egg, combine powers with Ikuto to become Seven Seas Treasure. In chapter 46, Amu finds a dazed Yoru in the Eggs' Cradle. He and Amu fall out of the Egg's cradle and see Ikuto. In chapter 48, when Yoru sees how happy Ikuto is, he comments him for having become a "true alley cat", and goes back to being a heart's egg inside of Ikuto. In the anime television series, Yoru is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.

( Tadase Hotori )

Tadase Hotori (辺里 唯世 Hotori Tadase?) is a boy in the same year as Amu and serves as King's Chair of the Guardians. Like Amu, he is actually a shy person and is not good at public speaking; instead, he Character Changes with his Guardian Character, Kiseki. Although he is popular with the girls, when a girl confesses their love to Tadase, he will have Kiseki reject her. However, whenever he hears the word "ouji" ("prince"), or anything resembling the word "ouji", he Character Changes into an egotistical king who seeks world domination. Amu develops a crush on Tadase soon after she transfers into the school. His love interest is Amulet Heart, Amu's Character Transformation with Ran, but it later becomes Amu herself. In episode 39, Kiseki's egg turns into an X Egg because Tadase lost his self esteem by not being able to find the Embryo. With the help of Amulet Heart, Tadase turns back to normal. Tadase has known Ikuto and Utau since childhood, but he does not talk about it in detail until the Guardians are about to face Utau in their final battle. Amu and Tadase reconcile soon after, though. Later on, he agrees to help Amu save Ikuto from Easter. Tadase confesses his love for Amu in chapter 28 (episode 74 in the anime) while Ikuto was hiding in Amu's closet. Ikuto over heard and made fun of Tadase, only to protect him, which he knew nothing about. When Tadase was facing against Ikuto in chapter 35, his staff becomes a sword called Royal Sword in episode 99. Tadase ventures into the Eggs' Cradle with Amu, but subsequently gets separated from Amu due to a meteor shower. The future Tadase, who looks like Tsukasa helps Amu and reveals himself to be Tadase. In the anime television series, Tadase is voiced by Reiko Takagi. He is portrayed by Hidemi Hikita in the musical.

Kiseki (キセキ?)
Kiseki is Tadase's Guardian Character. Kiseki was born for a combination of Tadase's desire to be stronger and the dream of world domination. Because of this, Kiseki is extremely egotistical and often demanding, and doesn't like obeying others. He frequently calls other Guardian Characters to go on "Special Secret Meetings." A running gag is that the other Guardian Characters will almost always ignore him when he starts up a meeting. Kiseki is aware of Tadase's crush on Amu and acts the same way as Amu's Guardian Characters whenever Tadase seems to be confessing to Amu. Kiseki holds a grudge against Ikuto's Guardian Character, Yoru. During Character Change, Tadase gains the confidence to overcome his shyness. However, sometimes Tadase will become an egotistical person who seeks world domination. Although Tadase could not Character Transform with Kiseki at first, they later gain this ability with the help of Amu after Kiseki's egg gets tainted with an X, becoming Platinum Royale. In the anime television series, Kiseki is voiced by Kaya Miyake.

Will upload the pictures later ^^

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